버스 분리

[March 2013] Bus segregation addressed the Israeli Transportation Ministry’s decision to open two bus lines accessible only to West Bank Palestinians. The Israeli government’s stated reasons were “to help make life easier for Palestinians permitted to work in Israel” and to assuage Israeli “passengers on the buses complain[ing] about unpleasant experiences, nuisances and fear”. Behind the pretense ease and comfort are countless instances of Palestinians being beaten and forced off buses by Israeli passengers, just as black Americans reported in the 1950s and 1960s.

Help us translate this visual.

Arsenault, Raymond, 2006. Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice. Oxford University Press.
Haaretz, 2013. Israel introduces 'Palestinian only' bus lines, following complaints from Jewish settlers (accessed on 4 March 2012)



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